Wind Power Applications


The inherent flexibility in the design of wind turbine installations is an incredible attribute that lends itself to the implementation and use of wind power for many different and varied locations throughout the world. Whether your facility needs power locally or in more distant remote regions, wind is a universal resource whose potential can play a significant role in meeting your location's power needs. Below are just a some of the locations and types of industries that benefit from wind power.

Small Commercial

  • Farms
  • Dairies
  • Feedmills/Yards
  • Grain Elevators
  • Other Agricultural
  • Schools
  • Commercial Buildings
  • Municipalities
  • Strip Centers

Mid Commercial

  • Small Manufacturing
  • Cold Storage Facilities
  • Meat Packing
  • Industrial Parks
  • Resorts
  • Medium Sized Municipalities
  • Small Utilities
  • Oil Field Operations
  • Hospitals

Large Commercial

  • Utilities
  • Manufacturing
  • Industrial Parks
  • Prisons
  • Harbors/Ports
  • Mining Operations
  • Refineries
  • Government Installations

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